Quality Trees at Affordable Prices

pine tree icon Residential & Commercial Tree Planting Services

RPR Farms is located in Spring City, PA and provides our affordable tree planting services
to residents and businesses located in Chester, Montgomery, Bucks, Berks, Lehigh and Lancaster counties.

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Our tree planting services

We exclusively plant the best trees for privacy landscaping screens and barriers that can give you privacy all year long.

Arborvitae privacy trees
evergreen tree line
leyland cypress tree screening
privacy landscaping

Is your house a little too close to your neighbors!?
We specialize in planting evergreen and deciduous trees grown in the Northeast and local to our area. Evergreen tree lines add privacy barriers and screens to your landscape even in the winter.

pine trees graphic
  • Evergreen

  • Norway Spruce

  • Green Giant Arborvitae

  • Emerald Green Arborvitae

  • Leyland Cypress

  • White Pine

  • White Spruce